Monday, May 16, 2005

Invisible Entities

They stand in desperation come rain or shine, hands outstretched, waiting for someone to notice them. Waiting for someone to acknowledge their cries of:

"Big Issue, Sir!"

"Big Issue, Madam!"

They are never rude, always polite, even though they have stood in the same spot for hours and been ignored as though they are invisible entities.

Someone's son or daughter, someone's flesh and blood.

They're not even begging. They buy the Big Issue themselves and waiting labouriously for some passerby to stop and fish into their purse or pocket for the princely sum of £1.40, the price of the magazine.

What if it were you who was standing there? Would you want to be ignored?

Who are these invisible entities?

They are the homeless or vulnerably housed that you walk past every day.

Just think, next time you pass by on the other side of the road. One day you, or a member of your family could be wearing that man or woman's shoes...

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